Get Evil

Drip too hard?Taste too wild?Flavour too extra?
Drip too hard?Taste too wild?Flavour too extra?
EVIL+JUICE is your drink: soft sparkling water from the Alps, hard hitting fruit juice and a good splash of EVIL. Get to know a side of you that even you should be scared of.

evil made me do it
Why have we created this drink? Simply because we can.
Manic Mango, Licky Lime, and Rude Raspberry.
3 Flavours, one mission: GET EVIL.
Intense pleasure in every sip: EVIL taste in clashing colours turns your world upside down and leaves you with an absurd tingling sensation in your mouth.
Get the drink - with 5 vitamins for an overdose of evil
No, Evil+Juice is a refreshment beverage with fruit content that is enriched with 5 B vitamins (B6, B12, biotin, niacin, and pantothenic acid)
So only you can be blamed for the crazy energy inside of you.
Evil+Juice cannot simply be bottled, but its Evilness can be trapped in a can with a lot of luck and caution. This is only possible at Rauch Fruchtsäfte.
Scientifically speaking the colours are created by the (of course harmless) dyes in the drink. However, science tends to reach its limits when it comes to Evil +Juice.
Karens will say “hands off”. We say: there is no recommendation for the amount to be consumed. Knock yourself out!
Evil+Juice originates from a time long before our era and will probably outlive our existence. Nevertheless, Evil+Juice and Rauch take the issue of sustainability very seriously. Additionally, the can will be used as raw material and can be recycled again and again in our lifetime.